Vitamin E Capsule For Face – Autumn is finally here, and we are preparing for the wet, cold, and gray days – in short – against bad weather. The beauty routine also needs an upgrade to a protective coat. But how? What do we have to pay attention to?

Vitamin E

Vitamin E ensures young skin and provides lots of moisture. I’m sure you’ve all heard about this super great vitamin E. And from the fact that it should be perfect for our skin. But do you also know why? So we’ll make a clean sweep (and clean skin) and clarify.

What Is Vitamin E Capsule For Face?

The scientific name is tocopherol, but for clarity, we’ll stick with vitamin E. In addition to all the favorable properties, protection against free radicals is one of the most important effects. Free radicals are aggressive molecules created in the body’s natural metabolic processes. They destroy skin fats, cell membranes, and proteins. The result: the skin is weakened, looks sallow, and wrinkles appear. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E fights these toxic molecules and protects the skin.

What Is Vitamin E Capsule For Face_

What Does Vitamin E Capsule For Face Do To The Skin?

Vitamin E provides moisture to the top layer of skin and the horny layer below. What does that mean exactly? First, the skin can store more water long-term, which is a great advantage, especially in the cold months. Mineral oils and silicones can be found in many creams, which act quickly but only for a short time. That’s why you’re doing your skin a favor by strengthening its protective barrier with vitamin E—the result: an even complexion, fewer wrinkles, and more elasticity.

Nice Side Effect – Goodbye Scars

The older we get, the more our skin’s barrier function weakens. It can result in tiny tears, through which external stimuli can get into the skin more quickly and promote the formation of redness and wrinkles. The temperature differences in autumn are not necessarily conducive. And that’s why vitamin E comes into play again: It stimulates cell regeneration and delays aging. Pimple marks and scars are also afraid of the vitamin. Inflammations subside and disappear when treated with the active ingredient in the form of rich oil.

Tip – Vitamin E can also be taken as a capsule, giving the skin an additional moisture boost from the inside. And after all, double is better.

Explanation And Reasons For Skin Aging

Antioxidants play a vital role. These can penetrate deep into the dermis of our skin and stimulate the so-called fibroblasts there. These fibroblasts have the critical job of synthesizing collagen, elastin, keratin, glycoproteins, and cells. In summary, a substance that activates our fibroblasts makes our skin younger and firmer.

Unfortunately, as we age, our fibroblasts work slower and become fewer. Various antioxidants can protect and reactivate fibroblasts. So, of course, we hear everywhere in cosmetics advertising: Contains antioxidants, e.g., vitamin C or natural vitamin E, but maybe we didn’t realize until now what a significant effect such preparations have.


The effect is perfect. The skin is then firm, elastic, and looks young and fresh. The Vitamin E Mask works better than any expensive mask and does not cause irritation or inflammation.