Removing Blackheads – One of the difficulties we face when we want to maintain clean and healthy skin on our face is comedonal acne. Also known as blackheads or comedones.

These unsightly black spots appear in specific areas of our faces. Or even on the back and neckline. Are generated due to the obstruction of the pores of our skin due to an excessive production of sebum linked to the oxidation process of the cells.

This fat does not allow the sebaceous glands to drain correctly. Causing them to become clogged and dirty, acquiring a dark hue.

Other factors that can worsen this obstruction are the excessive use of makeup and pollution. Environmental conditions, dust, or oil production from our skin.

Regardless of age or skin type. Most people have blackheads in specific areas such as the T-zone: nose. Forehead, and chin. Having excessively open pores also increases the risk of having a high number of blackheads and a combination or oily skin.

To prevent and eliminate these unsightly spots of dirt. We give you the most effective tips and tricks:

1. Maintain A Daily Facial Cleansing Routine

Moreover. Maintaining a  daily and nightly facial cleansing routine with the right products according to our skin type will help us leave our face clean. Hydrated, and protected and reduce sebum production.

  • For sensitive or dehydrated skin. In addition. It is essential to use a gentle cleanser that removes traces of makeup, pollution, and dead skin cells, leaving the skin hydrated, clean, and healthy.   Light cleansing milk is perfect for dry, sensitive, or normal skin.
  • For mixed or oily skin, it is essential that the facial cleanser regulates the cells’ sebum production and removes any dirt. A  cleansing gel that reduces the oil in the sebaceous glands and prevents the dermis from getting dirty quickly is a good option for this type of skin.

Facial Cleansing Routine

2. Skin Exfoliation

Exfoliate your skin or the affected area once or twice a week, depending on how much dirt is accumulated. A  facial scrub that removes all dead cells, dirt, and impurities will prevent and reduce this skin condition, leaving a clean and smooth complexion.

3. Apply A Facial Toner

In addition. Do not forget to apply a  facial toner to your daily cleansing routine. This product soothes the skin after cleansing and exfoliation and closes the pores to prevent sebum from regenerating.

4. Let your Skin Breathe and Help In Removing Blackheads

Avoid using creams and makeup that clog pores and increase sebum and oil production. Use quality cosmetics that fit your skin type.

5. Apply A Balancing Mask

Once or twice a week, after cleansing and exfoliating, you can apply a  balancing mask to your face that reduces the skin’s production of sebum and refines the pores.

Apply A Balancing Mask

6. A Visit to your Beautician – Removing Blackheads

In addition. Visit your beautician. In addition. The most effective trick is always to put yourself in the hands of your beauty center to perform a deep facial cleansing that can combat the effects of acne and oil on the face.

Moreover. The professionals can carry out personalized cleansing treatments according to your skin type using the best technology for an extraordinary result.

A deep exfoliation thanks to an enzymatic peeling, with or without steam, In addition. And ultrasonic peeling, Moreover. a spatula that exfoliates the outer skin layer, are essential complements in a professional facial cleansing in removing blackheads and any other type of dirt. And impurity of our dermis, obtaining a clean, protected, and healthy face.