It is evident that our modern lives are deeply intertwined with screens, be it for work, entertainment, or staying connected. Recently, a comprehensive review of 37 scientific studies delved into the impact of blue light, a component of what emits from screens, on our skin. The findings indicate potential issues for our skin in this digital era, calling for re-evaluating our skincare habits to protect against these effects.

The research underscores that prolonged exposure to blue light from screens may bring forth several skin-related concerns. It has been linked to hastening the aging process of the skin and compromising its natural defence mechanisms. Understanding these consequences prompts the need for an adjustment in our approach to skincare.

The core issue lies in how blue light affects our skin fundamentally. It prompts the skin to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals, which, in turn, induce stress and contribute to the breakdown of crucial proteins like collagen. Collagen, pivotal for maintaining youthful and resilient skin, becomes vulnerable under the influence of blue light.

To protect our skin from damage caused by the sun, it is important to use a broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen containing non-nano zinc and antioxidants such as Pycnogenol® or Polypodium. These sunscreens can help shield against a broad spectrum of light, including UV rays and blue light.

In addition to sunscreen, taking regular breaks from screens is advised. Stepping away from digital devices periodically and engaging in screen-free activities is beneficial not only for our skin but also for our eyes.

Moreover, safeguarding our skin in the evening is deemed crucial. Products like the Blue Block® serum, formulated with natural ingredients such as Ashwagandha and Malachite gemstone extracts, are designed to neutralize the effects of screen-emitted light. These products aim to alleviate stress on the skin and promote a refreshed appearance.

Besides skin-related implications, blue light can disrupt our body’s internal clock. It interferes with melatonin production, making it challenging to attain restful sleep. Furthermore, the deep-penetrating nature of this light can damage skin cells, affecting the skin’s DNA and support structures and leading to signs of aging.

In essence, this review stresses the necessity of adapting our skincare routine in response to the effects of blue light. Each moment spent in front of a screen has the potential to affect our skin. Implementing protective measures such as specific sunscreen application, screen breaks, and the utilisation of products formulated to counter the impact of screen light can help maintain the health and appearance of our skin in today’s digital era.