Personal Trainers – Today, in the fitness section, we want to show you the tasks of a personal trainer or personal trainer. For this reason. We are going to tell you about the main functions and the benefits that signing a personal trainer can bring you.

What is a Personal Trainer?

A personal trainer is a fitness expert, skilled in physical activity. Who recommends exercises, motivates, and sets goals individually. Taking into consideration the physical conditions and goals of each of his customers.

Personal training has been measure one of the ten best physical activity services for this century in the predictions published by the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

The success of personal training is due, firstly. To the benefits and satisfaction obtained by personalized care to each client and, secondly. To the fact that this service donates to significantly improving the management of the centers and their financial results…

The Objective of Personal Training with Personal Trainer

Personal training is aim at making available to the client all the technology, resources. And time that a qualified expert can offer to attain the best results in the shortest time and in the utmost effective and safe way. This service seeks maximum efficiency in processes. Maximum effectiveness in results, and minimizes risks in terms of safety.

If the physical advice is planned and follow in an appropriate way. The physical condition of the person will be improved. As well as their cardiac and respiratory volume and overall state of health.


Some studies Such as The effectiveness of Personal Training in Changing Attitudes towards Physical Activity. Have shown the greater efficacy of this sports option compare to allow training, especially in women. The importance of this efficiency lies in that the training plan is modified to the circumstances and objects of each person. In addition. The advice of the sporting professional protects a great deal of time invested in ineffective exercises or practiced incorrectly.

What is Personal Trainer Training?

In the first place, the trainer will perform a physical examination on the person who hires his service. From which a training program will be configure base on the time available to the person who is going to carry it out and the objectives he wants to achieve. These can be weight loss. Muscle definition and toning, maintenance, and so on. The exercise plan will vary dependent on the person’s progress.


One of the main reasons for the failure of people who join the gym is the lack of willpower to go regularly to play sports. This is a problem that especially affects beginners, those to whom the advice of a personal trainer is most recommended.


The main problems of personal training are, on the one hand, the price. Since it represents an additional service to the cost of the gym, and on the other, the danger that the professional does not have the necessary qualification , since, as it is an unregulated profession, there are trainers staff with the most diverse training, often insufficient. For this reason, anyone interest in hiring a personal trainer is advise to ask about his training and, above all, about his experience.

History of Personal Training

The history of personal training dates back to the beginnings of interest in weight lifting and strength training . The Weider brothers established bodybuilding as a competitive sport in the 1930s. Added to this is the growing appeal of the general population in food and health issues after the Second World War. American Victor Tanny is the first to open a modern sports facility in a warehouse in California to the public, thus becoming the forerunner of the contemporary gym concept.


Personal training has its own benefits in either ways. It provides good stability for the person to perform better. Since among its most outstanding advantages is the increase in motivation that this professional breathes into his client, since it drives him to follow a training program consistently and consistently.