Hair Fall is a large-scale problem affecting millions of people worldwide. The causes of this phenomenon can be very diverse, from a punctual seasonal fall or stress to the passing of the years.

It is also an issue that affects people’s self-esteem and physical appearance and may be a symptom of some ailment or condition.

Due to the great importance that being able to stop hair loss effectively has for many people, in this article, we want to analyze the causes that can cause it and what remedies we can find when this process has already begun. The best tips that anyone can apply in their life in a simple and fast way adjusting them to their specific needs.

What Do You Need To Know To Start Stopping Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a large-scale problem affecting millions of people worldwide. The causes of this phenomenon can be very diverse, from a punctual seasonal fall or stress to the passing of the years.

It is also an issue that affects people’s self-esteem and physical appearance and maybe a symptom of some ailment or condition.

Main Causes Of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a condition suffered by both men and women; however, men are affected by this problem in a much higher percentage. Despite this, the causes of hair loss can vary in men and women.

In addition, having a poor diet or a low-protein diet or suffering from certain diseases such as thyroid or diabetes can also be triggers of hair loss.

Causes In Men

In the specific case of men, hair loss, which finally ends up becoming male alopecia, is usually due to genetic predisposition in most patients.

It complicates the process of combating this fall. However, it is not something impossible. In most cases, baldness manifests itself gradually as you age.

Causes In Women

Female alopecia, also known as female pattern baldness, refers to hair loss in women due to family history and genetic predisposition. In this case, it usually manifests with a characteristic hair thinning loss.

In the case of women, hormonal changes (as in the case of pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause), the use of chemical treatments on the hair such as dyes or bleaches, and the abuse of hairstyles that grab the hair with excessive force also can cause hair loss, known in the latter case as traction alopecia.

Is It Possible To Stop Hair Loss?

As we have seen, various causes can cause the hair of men and women to fall out. Although it is impossible to completely stop hair loss due to the real-life cycles of each hair, it is possible to apply remedies that can help mitigate hair loss or delay its appearance. Thus, knowing what factor causes the fall, it will be possible to establish a more optimal solution that tackles the problem, prevents hair loss, and delays the appearance of alopecia.

Natural Remedies To Use Against Hair Loss

Apply Aloe Vera

It is possibly one of the best-known remedies to stop hair loss. It consists of carefully cutting an aloe vera leaf and using the glass to rub it all over the scalp. Once the glass is dry, the hair is removed with plenty of water.

Olive Oil Massage

A good massage with olive oil for approximately 20 minutes or a little more will be enough to obtain good results after a few days. A few drops a day is enough to perform the massage.

Rinse With Onion Juice

The onion has large amounts of sulfur. Therefore, applying onion juice to the hair will produce better blood circulation, reducing inflammation and regenerating the hair.

Use Essential Oils

Applying essential oils – It is is one of the most effective treatments for combating hair loss. There is a wide variety to choose from. All offer excellent properties. However, some may provide more incredible benefits than others. You can select castor, rosemary, almond, and coconut oil.


A few hairs on the clothes or the pillow can be the first sign of abnormal hair loss. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. It is essential to distinguish between alopecia and simple hair renewal.