Facial Care Routine – Our routine and daily habits change with the change of season and temperatures. With the arrival of the coil and good weather. There are more hours of light per day, the sun is more intense. We leave the house more, and with pollination. There are more external agents in the environment that can negatively affect our skin. For all these reasons, at this time of year. It is advisable to pay attention to our daily facial care and make some changes so that our skin remains cared for and protected.


These are the six essential tips from professionals so as not to neglect our face:

1. Daily Cleansing and Exfoliation – Facial Care Routine

It is vital to have the skin prepared for the arrival of the sun and exposure to UVA rays, especially after the cold of winter. Aesthetic professionals recommend removing dead cells and stimulating cell renewal by exfoliating weekly or every fortnight. However. it is better to avoid chemical or photosensitive peels since the increase in sunlight could have harmful consequences with this type of treatment. Invasive.

With a mechanical exfoliant, we can remove all dirt and particles from the face, keeping it clean, soft, and prepared for the arrival of good weather. On the other hand, we must not neglect daily cleaning. On which we must place more emphasis than ever since environmental changes can cause more excellent sebum production. So it is advisable to clean the face, neck, and décolleté mornings and nights with a light product such as micellar water or a cleansing gel.

2. Daily Deep and Light Hydration

Sudden weather changes are widespread in spring, and our skin is affected by them. Due to this, it is advisable not to neglect our epidermis, and we must not forget to apply a  daily moisturizer that protects it against any external aggression. In spring, a lighter cream quickly absorbed that does not leave residues to avoid clogging the pore is the most recommended. In addition, more moisturizing creams can be used with a serum or gel texture.Daily Deep and Light Hydration

The most important thing is to adapt to what our skin asks of us and needs. For example. If you notice your skin is tight, irritated, red, or inflamed, you are likely suffering from a seasonal outbreak. Also. Environmental changes can cause the skin to become more sensitive than usual. If this is your case. Specific moisturizers for these more reactive skins in spring keep them protected and cared for.

3. Cosmetics and Diet Rich in Antioxidants

With the beginning of spring, the first more intense sun rays arrive, and the days are longer. So the adverse effects of free radicals can affect our skin, accelerating its aging and the appearance of spots.

An excellent way to avoid it is to use cosmetics enriched with vitamins E and C that will keep our skin nourished and protected. Accompanied by a healthy diet rich in antioxidant foods such as seasonal fruits and other vegetables such as carrots, spinach, peas, etc. It will help us feel good on the outside and inside.

4. Essential, A Good Sunscreen – Facial Care Routine

A key point with the arrival of spring in the facial, neck, and neckline care is the application of a daily cream with a sun protection factor against UVA and UVB rays. Especially if we plan to spend a lot of time outdoors. . A cream with high sun protection with natural active ingredients such as argon oil or aloe Vera will be able to keep your skin protected against oxidative damage from ultraviolet light. In addition, it will keep the skin hydrated, avoiding any signs of aging or blemishes.

5. Use Lighter Textures in your Makeup

As with daily creams, with the arrival of spring, we recommend you opt for lighter textures in your makeup and avoid clogging the skin’s pores. A great option to improve the tone and appearance of the skin is BB cream or tinted sunscreens.

6. Don’t Forget to Hydrate!

Drinking water is the natural way for our bodies to stay hydrated. This will always help our skin to look soft and bright. Water will always be our ally, especially in the months when it starts to get hotter, don’t wait until you’re thirsty and drink water throughout your day. You’ll feel better inside and out


it is essential to take take care of your skin. The Facial Care Routine with proper moisturizers and sunscreen is the need.