Eat during workouts you need to drink – everyone knows that. But the phrase “snack in training” immediately evokes the image of an obese person who cannot even walk a couple of kilometers on a treadmill without a cookie.

There is no starving

The question of whether to take a snack for training is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Experts are sure that if the body is quite capable of withstanding Pilates, yoga, a light jog or 50 sit-ups without additional replenishment, then energy-intensive loads require a special approach.

If you are Practicing:

  • intense training with a heart rate above 60% of the maximum
  • stayer and marathon distances,
  • long workouts that last more than 2–3 hours

then an additional “charge” is simply necessary for the body*. By the end of the second hour of sports activities, glycogen – the body’s operational energy reserve – has already been used up, and the body begins to burn fat reserves during aerobic and proteins during anaerobic mode of operation. Starving, you will lose muscle mass, and with an unbalanced diet, exhaustion and disruption of the internal organs are possible. Moreover, adverse effects can occur both directly during training and during the recovery period.

How not to Eat?

You have to know how to snack. Of course, you should not feast on homemade dishes in the gym, and there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, it is inappropriate to fit in with a lunch box, a fork and a napkin between the barbell and the horizontal bar. Such a snack will take too much time and cause inconvenience to others .

Secondly, the food will not have time to be digested and assimilated . Liquid glucose enters the blood the fastest. But she needs at least ten minutes for this. Complex proteins and carbohydrates usually take more than an hour to digest. And for fats, even longer: up to four hours. Therefore, the food that enters the stomach during training will begin to nourish the body after it ends [3, 4].

Digesting Food is a Real Workout for the Stomach

His muscle contractions require a rush of blood, which is… right! Already rushed, but to other muscles – those that you pump in the “simulator”. This means that it will be more difficult for the stomach to work, and digestion will take even longer .

In addition, heavy food that fills the stomach will interfere with diaphragm contractions, that is, make breathing difficult , and can cause drowsiness, nausea, and even a gag reflex.

How to Support the Body?

  • Give preference to food with a liquid or gel-like consistency. She is:
  • will allow you to get the required amount of nutrients without interrupting the workout for a long time;
  • eliminate injury to the esophagus against the background of local dehydration.

Nutrition Before and After Training

With nutrition before training, everything is more or less simple: a full meal containing complex carbohydrates and proteins, an hour or two before sports, will prepare the body for stress.

Nutrition after training will directly depend on your goals.

Weight Loss

Immediately after a workout, it is better to refrain from eating fast carbohydrates (including fruits). Recharge with Herbalife Nutrition ‘s Formula 1 Protein Shake. It contains high-quality soy protein, dietary fiber


A complex of more than 20 essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins B6, B12, D and C. A serving of a cocktail can replace a full meal, while helping to provide the body with the necessary set of nutrients.