As you probably already know, Copenhagen Fashion Week was at the beginning of February. I arrived a bit earlier this time and had a few more relaxed days with my boyfriend in Copenhagen at the end of January before Fashion Week started on February 1st. There were a few shows, events, and street-style shoots. CPHFW is always one of my favorite fashion weeks, but you already know that. I like the brands, the fashion, the style, and the whole atmosphere in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, we were not lucky with the weather this time.

“The new fashion configuration is open, uncompartmentalized, and non-directive.” The decisive contribution of street style photographers lies in directing the attention of the fashion public towards this plurality of personal styles. However, they also remind us that exclusivity is and continues to be the central characteristic of fashion, which ultimately lives on its ability to differentiate.

Fashion Sense With The Weather

It was super cold and rained most of the time, which made it a little hard to enjoy the time there. In addition, I also got sick, and it was twice as challenging to get through this week full of shows, events, and appointments.

But of course, it wasn’t all bad. I had some super lovely moments, and it was always fun to see all the new collections, meet familiar and new faces and talk about this and that. So, I left Copenhagen with many new memories and gratitude.

Are fashion weeks interesting for you? Please let me know what interests you the most about it, and then I will know what I can share with you in the future.

My First Juice Cleanse

I’ve always wanted to do a juice cleanse. I tried it years ago, but I wanted to prepare all the juices myself and always fresh. However, that made the treatment much more complex, and I stopped after only half a day. When I felt better after the corona disease, I tried again with a three-day juice short. But this time, I delivered all the juices and didn’t have to prepare anything myself. I also ate one soup a day and having that one hot meal made it easier to get through the three days. The three days were easy to do with the ready-to-eat juices and soup a day, and I always felt good the whole time.

Another New Haircut

A year ago, I decided to cut my hair. And to be honest, that was one of the best decisions of 2021. However, this year I decided to go a step further. After a year with something around my shoulder-length hair, I was bored with the cut again. That’s why it was even shorter this time, and I’m super happy with the decision. Of course, it took me a few days to get used to the new length, but now I would say it’s my favorite hairstyle so far.


Fashion history has repeatedly seen calls for greater participation and broader inclusion. However, the graphic design of street-style blogs is relatively homogeneous: simple and structured techniques predominate, with photographs in the center. The accompanying texts are mostly limited to brief descriptions of outfits or accounts of how the photographer realized the image.